Monday, June 19, 2017

I would like to thank all of you that helped with my first show with the Santa Fe Artists Tour.  The first weekend was successful for me in a lot of ways and it showed that there are lots people willing to help me with something I've tried to get together for many years.  Sandy, Deb, Doug, the Twins, Lisa, Diane, and for everyone who came to the party, and those who bought  paintings thanks again.  Special thanks for my wife Linda,  without her help this would have never happened.  It was all so wonderful.  Here are some photos of my small but full gallery / garage.

Here are some of the paintings I haven't gotten time to put up yet.

We still have next Saturday and Sunday the 24th and 25th from 10 till 5 so everyone is invited.

There new paintings about done.  These are on boards and about 24 x 32 32.